Sometimes you need to start android emulator from the command line for example developing react-native apps, you may don’t want to open studio open AVD manager and start the emulator. This is the long journey process. So one of android handy tool appear here and make it simple to list existing devices or run the one desired easily.
And open Command prompt by clicking search and typing “cmd” than right click then choose “Run as administrator” item. Than goto the “emulator” directory (and may be the drive also which is android-sdk installed in my case for example it is F: drive and the directory located root of F: drive). And after that opening enter the following command to list all existing emulators:
f:\>cd android\sdk\emulator
f:\android\sdk\emulator>emulator.exe -list-avds
f:\android\sdk\emulator>emulator @Nexus_5X_API_28_x86 -netfast
The final command will start your emulator in a moment. At the end the option ‘-netfast‘ disable network throttling or the long format is “-netspeed full -netdelay none”
The rest of the option details and more can be found at official android developers page from the following link: